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Keeping employees up to date by Announcements, Calendar, Job Vacancies & News


Company Calendar For viewing company holidays, Events, & Vacations.

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Job Vacancies

Visibility to job vacancies in the company, so employees can either refer or apply internally

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Company pictures and Videos are added and organized into different albums and categorized by Years.

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News & Announcements

Keeping company employees informed and up to speed with all company news and announcements.

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Empower your employees to work smarter

Encourage and automate the internal communication process for the whole company.

Performly has a friendly UI in addition to ease of usage, also multiple features,s and capabilities to handle different business requirements, email notifications, and security management.

Mohamed, CEO/Founder

Already trusted by these companies

We asked the professionals who use our hiring app daily to talk about Performly works for them in the fast-paced, overwhelming world of small-business recruiting.